March 5, 2021
From 2010 through 2019, data collected through the
Extremist Crime Database show that 205 deaths resulted
from 59 violent extremist attacks in the United States.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) received
funding in 2016 to establish a new Countering Violence
Extremism (CVE) Grant Program to support efforts by state
and local governments and nongovernmental organizations
to reduce risk factors associated with violent extremism.
This report examines, among other things, the extent to
which DHS (1) announced, reviewed, and awarded CVE grants
in accordance with Office of Management and Budget
guidance and (2) evaluated the performance of CVE
grantees and the overall program. The authors reviewed
documentation of DHS’s actions in announcing, reviewing
and awarding CVE grants; and documentation on steps taken
to assess the performance of grantees and the overall
program; as compared to requirements in key documents,
including the CVE grant announcement, elements of
internal control, and a DHS 2017 report to Congress. The
authors found that after DHS announced intended grantees
for 2017-2019, it revised its selection criteria and did
not document reasons for its selections, making it harder
to ensure grantees are selected equitably. The DHS also
didn't obtain data on grantee performance, which it needs
to assess program effectiveness. The authors recommend
that DHS document its award rationales and ensure that
grantees submit data for performance reviews.
Source: U.S. Government Accountability Office
Child support programs seek to improve children’s
well-being by emphasizing both parents’ roles in
providing for them. Some families receive child support
from non-custodial parents regularly. For other families,
however, payments may be sporadic, partial, or not
received at all. Nationally, among all custodial parents
owed child support payments in 2017, 24% received only
part of the amount they were owed during that year, and
30% received no payments at all. Parents who do not make
their child support payments can be subject to
enforcement measures such as income withholding,
interception of tax refunds, or seizure of bank accounts.
If these measures are unsuccessful, child support
programs can refer non-paying parents to the legal system
for civil contempt of court. Civil contempt proceedings
require non-custodial parents to attend court hearings
and may lead to arrest or jailing if they fail to appear
in court or fail to meet the obligations of their child
support orders. The Procedural Justice-Informed
Alternatives to Contempt (PJAC) demonstration project is
a test of a different approach. It integrates principles
of procedural justice into enforcement practices in six
child support agencies across the United States as an
alternative to standard contempt proceedings. Procedural
justice is fairness in processes that resolve disputes
and result in decisions. Research has shown that if
people perceive a process to be fair, they will be more
likely to comply with the outcome of that process,
whether or not the outcome was favorable to them. This
report explains which non-custodial parents are referred
to civil contempt by the six participating child support
agencies, based on both federal child support guidelines
and other eligibility criteria commonly applied by those
agencies. It provides a general description of the
standard contempt proceedings for control group members.
The report also describes procedural justice-informed
contempt adaptations implemented for program group
members who are unwilling to participate in PJAC services
and who, as a result, become eligible for contempt.
Source: MDRC
In 2020, states in the U.S. introduced more than 400
bills and enacted more than 40 legislative actions to
create or reestablish education task forces. While the
charge, composition and actions of these task forces
vary, governors and other state leaders rely on them to
inform the policymaking process and advance state
education and workforce goals. This report identifies
three types of task forces established in the last year:
early learning and K-12 education; student populations
and programs; and postsecondary education and workforce
development. Colorado created an interagency working
group to enhance school safety through cost-effective,
evidence-based practices. The working group is required
to study and implement recommendations from a 2019 state
auditor’s report on school safety; identify shared
metrics to examine program effectiveness; facilitate and
address data sharing across the state; facilitate
interagency coordination and communication related to
school safety; and fulfill other responsibilities.
Pennsylvania created an advisory committee to study the
return on investment in after-school programs and offer
strategies for capturing and bolstering their outcomes.
The committee will examine strategies to reduce violence
and crime; adolescent pregnancies; tobacco, alcohol and
substance abuse; disengagement from school; school
suspension and truancy; and health-compromising
behaviors. Also, the committee members must consider ways
to ensure that children of working families have access
to safe after-school environments. West Virginia created
the State Advisory Council on Postsecondary Attainment
Goals. The council’s purpose is to ensure that K-12
students are provided the knowledge and skills to earn
relevant industry-demanded postsecondary credentials and
support education and industry partnerships in developing
high-value, in-demand credentials. The council is also
charged with developing a plan to achieve the state’s
goal that by 2030 60% of residents ages 25-64 will hold a
degree, certificate or other postsecondary workforce
credential of value.
Source: Education Commission of the States
The COVID-19 pandemic has added more stress to an already
high-stress profession: American public school teacher.
The authors of this report share the results of a new
survey of nearly 1,000 former public school teachers and
reveal how important stress has been—even more so than
pay—to teachers' decisions to leave the profession. In
this report, the authors attempt to understand what is
and is not normal about teacher attrition during this
highly abnormal pandemic era. They build a profile of
teacher leavers, both before and during the pandemic, and
examine how the pandemic has influenced teachers' exits.
They contextualize the pandemic-related findings by
examining pre-pandemic stressors in the teaching
profession and conclude by examining what former public
school teachers reported doing after leaving their public
school positions. The authors then discuss the
implications of these findings for public school teaching
and offer recommendations for educators, researchers, and
policymakers. Key findings include that almost half of
the public school teachers who voluntarily stopped
teaching in public schools after March 2020 and before
their scheduled retirement left because of the COVID-19
pandemic. Also that many early leavers could be lured
back to public school teaching. Over half of the teachers
who voluntarily left the profession early primarily
because of the pandemic indicated that they would be
somewhat or definitely willing to return to public school
teaching once most staff and students are vaccinated.
Slightly fewer of those would return if there was only
regular testing of staff and students for COVID-19.
Stress was the most common reason for leaving public
school teaching early—almost twice as common as
insufficient pay. This is corroborated by the fact that a
majority of early leavers went on to take jobs with
either less or around equal pay, and three in ten went on
to work at a job with no health insurance or retirement
Source: RAND Corporation
The UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education in
Agriculture and Natural Resources (PIE Center) conducts
several public opinion surveys each year that focus on
issues of key significance to Floridians. Soon,
researchers will measure public opinion on a national
scale. The surveys explore what people think about the
rights, responsibilities, attitudes and behaviors
associated with critical issues such as food production,
water quantity and quality, community resilience and
preparedness, endangered and invasive species, and more.
These issue guides compile the most important findings
from each study to show the research results in an
easy-to-understand manner. The most recent edition
examines public opinion on mosquito control, sources of
agricultural-related information, livestock, science
communication, community preparedness, water quality,
agricultural water use, protection of endanger species,
genetically modified food, and food safety.
Source: University of Florida / Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences
In October 2020, the authors issued a report entitled Federal
Social Safety Net Programs Millions of Full-Time Workers
Rely on Federal Health Care and Food Assistance Programs.
Federal Social Safety Net Programs Millions of
Full-Time Workers Rely on Federal Health Care and Food
Assistance Programs. This testimony summarizes the
findings of that report, which examined (1) what is
known about the labor characteristics of wage-earning
adult Medicaid enrollees and Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients, and (2) what is
known about where wage-earning adult Medicaid enrollees
and SNAP recipients work. The 12 million wage-earning
adults (ages 19 to 64) enrolled in Medicaid—a joint
federal-state program that finances health care for
low-income individuals—and the 9 million wage-earning
adults in households receiving food assistance from SNAP
shared a range of common labor characteristics. For
example, approximately 70% of adult wage earners in both
programs worked full-time hours (i.e., 35 hours or more)
on a weekly basis and about one-half of them worked
full-time hours annually. In addition, 90% of
wage-earning adults participating in each program worked
in the private sector (compared to 81% of
nonparticipants) and 72% worked in one of five
industries, according to authors’ analysis of program
participation data included in the U.S. Census Bureau’s
2019 Current Population Survey. When compared to adult
wage earners not participating in the programs,
wage-earning adult Medicaid enrollees and SNAP recipients
in the private sector were more likely to work in the
leisure and hospitality industry and in food service and
food preparation occupations.
Source: U.S. Government Accountability Office
Over the last decade, many states and tribal nations’
child support enforcement practices have evolved to
maximize positive impacts on families. Gradually, a shift
toward serving the whole family, not just those members
receiving child support, is lessening the child support
system’s reliance on more punitive enforcement measures.
This evolution assumes a greater importance during the
economic decline caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Even
before the pandemic, the federal Office of Child Support
Enforcement (OCSE) undertook significant work to reflect
this perspective shift. In June 2011, OCSE presented
evidence-based research that family-centered approaches
improve the likelihood that families will receive
consistent child support payments. Further guidance
provided in 2018 encourages states to consider the use of
federal incentive funds to integrate employment programs
for non-custodial parents receiving child support
services. In Washington State, this shift resulted in
significant changes in policies and practices at the
Department of Social and Health Services’ Division of
Child Support. In 2014, the agency created an internal
program called Alternative Solutions, pioneering a new
approach. Designed for work across the entire state,
Alternative Solutions sustains its engagement with
non-resident parents during the pandemic and ensuing
shutdown. The program continues to grow and increase its
influence on the culture of the agency by training other
child support officers as liaisons in field offices who
then share community resources with local staff members.
The initial, pre-pandemic training as program
specialists, strong engagement practices with parents,
and focus on team building allows Alternative Solutions
staff members to work together cohesively toward their
collective goals despite some unique challenges.
Source: MDRC
The Immediate Office of the Secretary of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is seeking
to identify measures that could improve the ability of
the United States and other countries to learn from
international comparisons of health system performance.
To inform the identification of measures for
international comparison, researchers worked with a
diverse group of 15 experts in quality measurement,
clinical care, and health economics to generate and
prioritize potential measure constructs that align with
HHS priorities and are particularly promising for
international comparisons. Eight measure constructs were
identified as having the most promise for international
comparison, but they will require additional development
work to establish their operational definitions and
specifications to ensure that any measure developed is
valid and feasible for international comparisons of
health system performance. This report is designed to lay
a strong foundation for these future refinements by
noting the degree of consensus among experts about the
importance, scientific acceptability, perceived
feasibility, and usability of measure constructs;
summarizing the strengths and limitations of the measure
constructs; and providing additional context that can be
useful for informing the selection of measure constructs
that might ultimately be developed into measures and
proposed to OECD for consideration. Of the 25 measure
constructs included in the expert rating process, eight
were rated as having the most promise for international
comparisons: treatment and control of hypertension;
access to and coverage for telehealth; quality-adjusted
life expectancy; insurance coverage for mental health,
behavioral health, and substance abuse services; receipt
of preference-concordant end-of-life care; care
continuity or consistent provider; access to mental
health providers; and data transfer and interoperability.
Source: RAND Corporation
In this report, the authors analyze a policy that would
expand the Health Insurance Marketplace premium tax
credits by raising the eligibility cutoff from 400 to
600% of the federal poverty level. The policy would
lessen the financial burden of high premiums for such
families and increase Marketplace enrollment for this
group. A potential drawback, however, is that some
employers may stop offering employer-sponsored insurance
to their workers. However, the authors find such concerns
unwarranted. Research shows most employers responded the
Affordable Care Act by increasing the rate at which they
offer insurance to their employees. Incorporating that
evidence, the analysis finds extending the eligibility
cutoff for Marketplace premium tax credits to 600% of the
federal poverty level would decrease the number of people
uninsured by more than 116,000, and 48,000 people with
non-Affordable Care Act compliant coverage would enroll
in Marketplace plans. Together, these effects would move
164,000 people into plans providing minimum essential
Source: Urban Institute
Poor communication is a failing of the health system, not
of patients. A good health care system engages fairly and
respectfully with everyone who seeks care, and it
recognizes that its patients and plan enrollees come with
a range of previous experiences with the health care
system, as well as different literacy levels, language
fluency, and cultural norms. It is the responsibility of
system managers, and front-line providers, to ensure that
everything from examination room interactions to provider
training is guided by good communication techniques. But
while health managers will usually say they recognize the
importance of good communication, there remain profound
barriers to introducing and implementing the techniques
needed to achieve better outcomes and equity.
Recommendations included in this report include 1)
enhanced medical training for improving communication
between health care providers and patients; 2) reaching
out to people and local institutions to enlist their
assistance in overcoming communication obstacles; and 3)
using respected and trained intermediaries to build the
relationships needed to assure trust, good communication,
and potential connections to other social services.
Source: Brookings Institution
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Florida, the Legislature's website that includes continually updated information on the state's operating budget and daily expenditures by state agencies.
A publication of the Florida Legislature's Office of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability
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