Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability
Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability

Department of Juvenile Justice

Residential Services

For assistance, call 850-921-4188 or visit

What is the purpose of the program?

The purpose of the Residential Services program in the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) is to provide care and housing for committed youth; address their treatment needs; and enhance their education in residential commitment programs. Youth are sent to residential commitment programs for violating the law. It is not the same as conviction or imprisonment, as the juvenile justice system is designed to protect the public and hold offenders accountable while offering a chance for rehabilitation.

How are youth placed in residential facilities?

Juvenile courts and Department of Juvenile Justice staff have distinct roles regarding the placement of juvenile offenders committed to the custody of the state.
  • Judges commit juvenile offenders to restrictiveness levels based on the risk they pose to public safety.
  • Department of Juvenile Justice staff members assign each youth to a specific residential facility.

How many youth are placed in residential programs?

In Fiscal Year2021-22, a total of 2,338 youth were served through residential commitment programs.

How many facilities are there?

Forty residential facilities serve delinquent youth throughout the state. All programs are provided by private contractors, with the Department of Juvenile Justice providing oversight.

What are restrictiveness levels?

The department's residential commitment programs are grouped into three restrictiveness levels based on the assessed risk to public safety: nonsecure residential, high-risk residential, and maximum-risk residential. There are many types of residential programs including wilderness programs, halfway houses, and secure, highly structured correctional facilities.  High-risk and maximum-risk levels generally require longer lengths of stay. Minimum-risk non-residential level is a non-residential program and falls under the jurisdiction of Probation and Community Intervention rather than Residential Services.

How long do youth stay in residential facilities?

According to the department's most recent Comprehensive Accountability Report for Residential Services, the average length of stay for youth in residential commitment programs varied by risk level. The average length of stay according to restrictiveness level is shown below for youth released in Fiscal Year 2020-21.  

Average Length of Stay in Fiscal Year 2020-21
Risk Level Days Served
Nonsecure 235.5
High-Risk 302.6
Maximum-Risk 478.8

Note: Okeechobee Maximum Risk facility was closed in September 2020 and youth were transferred to another facility. As a result, the average length of stay for maximum-risk is unusually low compared to 643 days for Fiscal Year 2019-20. This is because for youth transferred from Okeechobee, only the days associated with the program that they transferred in to are counted in this report. For a more accurate understanding of length of stay for maximum-risk, it is advised to review the prior year Comprehensive Accountability Report.
Source: Department of Juvenile Justice Comprehensive Accountability Report.

What do youth in residential programs do?

All youth are required to finish an individually-designed treatment plan which is based on their rehabilitative needs. Youth can attend educational and vocational programs. They may also have access to behavioral management, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, parenting skills, job training, and other programs.

Do youth who complete residential programs commit new crimes?

The department defines recidivism as subsequent adjudications or convictions. According to the department's most recent Comprehensive Accountability Report for Residential Services, the recidivism rates of all youth released from a residential commitment program in Fiscal Year 2020-21 was 37%. These recidivism rates of youth slightly varied by risk level of the youth.

Recidivism Rates of Youth by Risk Level in Fiscal Year 2020-21
Risk Level Recidivism Rate
Nonsecure 38%
High-Risk 38%
Maximum-Risk 26%
Source: Department of Juvenile Justice Comprehensive Accountability Report.

Who investigates suspected abuse of youth in programs?

The department's Central Communication Center takes calls regarding incidents and complaints such as program disruptions, medical incidents, and complaints against staff. Additionally, the Florida Department of Children and Families operates an abuse hotline that investigates allegations of child abuse.

How are these activities funded?

Fiscal Year: 2023-24
Fund Dollars Positions


Residential Services Staff Pay Raises. The 2023 Legislature appropriated $17.2 million to increase DJJ secure and non-secure residential provider pay from $15/hour to $19/hour. The salary increases will improve continuity of care and increase pay for frontline staff and specialized positions, such as those in mental health and nursing.

Florida Scholars Academy.  The 2023 Legislature passed Ch. 2023-59, Laws of Floridawhich creates the Florida Scholars Academy. The mission of the academy is to provide a free and high-quality education and to prepare youth in residential commitment programs for gainful employment upon their reentry into the community. The bill also specifies that each residential commitment site is a campus of the Florida Scholars Academy. The bill allows for collaboration of services by allowing DJJ to contract with education service providers to operate, provide, or supplement instruction services that allow students to earn a high school diploma or equivalency diploma or enroll in a degree program at a Florida college or university. It also creates a board of trustees made up of the Secretary of DJJ and three board members appointment by the Governor.

Where can I find related OPPAGA reports?

Annual Report on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Florida, 2023, Report 23-08, June 2023
Annual Report on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Florida, 2022, Report 22-05, July 2022
Annual Report on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Florida, 2021, Report 21-06, July 2021
Annual Report on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Florida, 2020, Report 20-05, July 2020

Where can I get more information?

What are the applicable statutes?

Chapter 985, Florida Statutes

Whom do I contact for help?

Residential Services, 850-921-4188