Education System

Florida College System Bachelor's Degree

What is the purpose of the program?

The purpose (s. 1007.33, Florida Statutes) of the bachelor's degree programs offered by the Florida College System is to expand access to bachelor's degrees for place-bound, non-traditional students by allowing them the opportunity to earn a four-year degree without transferring to one of Florida's public universities.

How many Florida colleges offer bachelor's degree programs?

Twenty-eight Florida colleges currently are approved to offer bachelor's degree programs.

Which types of bachelor's degrees are offered through the Florida College System?

Florida College System institutions offer two types of bachelor's degrees: the Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) and the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree. The colleges do not offer Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees.

As of May 2022, the 28 state colleges were approved to offer a total of 216 bachelor's degree programs, and 187 programs are active. Florida's state and community college's offer baccalaureate programs in a wide range of disciplines, including but not limited to nursing, education, business, and information technology.

How many students are served?

In 2021-22, Florida College System institutions had 45,624 bachelor's degree program enrollments and awarded 10,620 bachelor's degrees.

What type of statewide information is available on student outcomes?

The Department of Education and Department of Economic Opportunity provide information on post-graduation employment outcomes for Florida college graduates.

Where can I find related OPPAGA reports?

Career Statewide Articulation Agreements, Report 23-10, November 2023

Where can I get more information?

Other Reports
The Auditor General reports on Florida college operations are available on its website

Websites of Interest
Florida College System
Florida College System Program Reports
Florida's PK-20 Education Information Portal
Association of Florida Colleges
Community College Research Center

Performance Information

Performance measures and standards for the department may be found in its Long Range Program Plan.

What are the applicable statutes?

Section 1007.33, Florida Statutes, and Rule 6A-14.095, Florida Administrative Code

Whom do I contact for help?

Office of the Chancellor, Division of Florida Colleges, 850-245-0407, email: