Department of Elder Affairs

For assistance, call (850) 414-2000 or visit

What is the purpose of the department?

The Department of Elder Affairs is Florida's designated state unit on aging, in accordance with the federal Older Americans Act and Ch. 430, Florida Statutes. The department is the primary state agency responsible for administering human services programs for the elderly and for developing policy recommendations for long-term care.

What activities are performed by the department?

The department's activities include the following.

  • The Comprehensive Assessment and Review for Long-Term Care Services (CARES) Program is Florida's federally mandated program that assesses or reviews each individual who requests Medicaid reimbursement for nursing facility placement or home and community-based services. A CARES registered nurse or assessor completes no-cost assessments for Medicaid applicants and a CARES physician or registered nurse reviews each application to determine the most appropriate level of care for the applicant. The purpose of the assessment is to identify long-term care needs and recommend the least restrictive but most appropriate placement. The program and assessment process explore all available options to nursing home placement and recommends, and may facilitate, alternative placements for individuals who are determined able to remain in the community.
  • Community and Support Services provides non-Medicaid community-based programs and oversight functions to help elders remain in their own homes and avoid institutional care. This includes services funded through Florida's federal Older Americans Act Program allotment such as adult daycare, caregiver training and support, home-delivered meals, information and referral assistance, medical transportation, shopping assistance, preventive health servicessenior community service employment, and elder abuse prevention. The department also provides the Respite for Elders Living in Everyday Families Program to increase the ability of a family unit to continue to care for a homebound elderly individual by providing in-home respite care. Department staff also administer federally funded programs including the Adult Care Food Program to assist eligible adult care centers and mental health day centers in providing meals to elders and the Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program to improve the nutritional health of low-income elders by providing coupons that can be redeemed for locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables. Additional Community and Support Services include the Home Care for the Elderly (HCE) Program and the Community Care for the Elderly (CCE) Program. HCE provides resources, such as a basic subsidy for all program participants age 60 and older in family-type living arrangements within private homes. CCE provides community-based services, such as medical supplies, emergency alert response, and therapeutic services, organized in a continuum of care to help functionally impaired elders live in the least restrictive yet most cost-effective environment suitable to their needs.
  • Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias programs support research, services, and care for people living with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers. The Alzheimer's Disease Initiative provides direct support services and coordinates research efforts. Support services include caregiver training, counseling, medical supplies, and caregiver respite. Research efforts include memory disorder clinics, which conduct diagnostic evaluations to determine probable Alzheimer's disease or related disorders and the Florida Brain Bank, which provides education and research on Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.

How does the department administer its services?

The department administers services through a network of 11 nonprofit area agencies on aging (AAA). These agencies advocate, plan, coordinate, and fund a system of elder support services within regions known as planning and service areas. Each AAA, also designated as Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC), is managed at the local level and is responsible for providing community-based care by selecting the services and providers to assist elders within each county. Through partnerships with AAAs, the department provides care to help seniors safely age with dignity, purpose, and independence. In addition, each ADRC functions as a single, coordinated system for information and access to services for all Floridians seeking long-term care resources.

How are these activities funded?

The funding information listed below is provided by Transparency Florida. Please contact the department for more information on its funding. Additional information about department funding and activities is available on the State of Florida Fiscal Portal.

Fiscal Year: 2024-25
Title Fund Dollars Positions

Where can I find information on the department's performance?

Performance measures and standards for the department may be found in its Long Range Program Plan.

Additional Resources

OPPAGA Reports and Presentations
A complete list of OPPAGA reports and presentations is available on our website.

Other Reports
Florida Department of Elder Affairs, Publications and Reports   

Florida Department of Elder Affairs, Budgetary and Legislative Reports  

Department Overview, Florida Department of Elder Affairs, 2023

Program and Services Handbook, Florida Department of Elder Affairs, 2023

A complete list of Florida Auditor General reports is available on its website.   

Websites of Interest
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Programs for Older Adults   

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Resources for Caregivers  

U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging

Applicable Statutes

Article IV, section 12 of the Florida Constitution and Ch. 430 and s. 20.41, Florida Statutes

Department Contact Information

Florida Department of Elder Affairs Contact Website
Florida Department of Elder Affairs
4040 Esplanade Way
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7000
(850) 414-2000